Photo Credit: Icons8 Team on Unsplash
For my podcast, I identified sources by drawing on experiences, using the internet and interviewing people with knowledge on the topic.
After having the initial idea for my podcast, which was to explore the relationship between music and the mind, I researched the scientific side of music and what it does to the brain. I then looked at how this applies to listeners and artists individually, in part by interviewing artists. I also considered the impact of the pandemic and compiled a short, anonymous survey.
To verify this information, I read studies and articles and ensured that I was getting facts and statistics from reputable sources including the BBC.
To record my speaking parts I used my mobile phone which worked well although I may have benefited from more advanced equipment. Any interviews included were Zoom recordings. I edited everything together using Audacity and included royalty free background music.
Using audio to record an interview is advantageous over memory and shorthand. It ensures accuracy and provides undisputable evidence which could, potentially, help you legally. Recording audio also allows the person’s voice and mannerisms to be captured and can, therefore, create a more well-rounded picture of the interview.
However, if writing for print it may take time to transcribe which could be disadvantageous and some interviewees may be uncomfortable with being recorded.
It also means editing to select the best sound bites to serve your project, something that you’d be more likely to do in the moment if taking notes and using shorthand. So it may take more time but is a way of interviewing accurately.
It is important to keep your recordings, as noted, so you have evidence should you face future legal issues. It is also advantageous to return to them and document your work and allows you to double check your quotes and ensure they are correct.
People would want to listen to my podcast as it provides additional information about music, something they are likely already interested in.
They may listen to it for educational purposes or may decide to it if they are familiar with a particular guest. If turned into a series, certain topics might also jump out to them and the fact the episode is ten minutes long means it could easily suit any lifestyle.
Ultimately, my podcast is for anyone with an interest in music but the specific demographic would probably fall under artists and people working in the music industry.
However, listeners could also be interested in science, the brain and mental health as my podcast covers the two subjects hand-in-hand.
by Lauren Burns